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take - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果過去式:took 過去分詞:taken 現在分詞:taking ... 接受;採取;修(學科),上(課) I plan to take biochemistry this semester. 這學期我準備選修生物化學。

7.take的过去时和过去分词_百度知道2017年3月12日 · 过去时:took,过去分词:taken。

took英[tʊk] 美[tʊk]. v.拿( take的过去式);接受; 学习62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333366306438; ...take的过去式和现在完成时是什么_百度知道2011年3月5日 · 过去式:took ;现在完成时(过去分词):takena。

已赞过 已踩过<. ta want not question2011 wanted. ... dictionary p="want過去式:wanted" o8 i don my daughter taken out after dark. wish ...2014 spend take pay mix up these words anymore it takes http: had lived in america before we moved to taiwan two years ago. a: ______ you drink any milk he a bath b: no https: have has every time money from his pocket curious angel>>http://goo.gl/ubVPUd -- Source: 英語島雜誌 ...take的过去式和过去分词 - 书通网过去式题目:1. He nipped in and _took_ (take) my bag back. 他飞快地跑了进去, 拿回了我的背包。

2. It _took_ (take) me half an hour to hale the heavy b.
