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博客來-禪師的籃框:帶領Jordan、Pippen、Kobe和Shaq奪下11座 ...書名:禪師的籃框:帶領Jordan、Pippen、Kobe和Shaq奪下11座NBA總冠軍,從籃球看見團隊領導和人生真諦,原文名稱:Sacred Hoops: spiritual lessons of a ...NBA/當年與Kobe同隊超火爆世界和平:驚動禪師介入2020年7月30日 · 早在World Peace與湖人隊簽約之前,他就與Kobe存在激烈的競爭,之後兩人 ... 上的火爆場面從來沒有少過,甚至也因此驚動總教練「禪師」Phil Jackson。

... 緯來體育台LINE官方帳號【https://goo.gl/bb7hsc 】 ✎棒球週報粉絲 ...Kobe Bryant on Friendship with Michael Jordan & Magic ... - YouTube2018年1月5日 · Kobe reveals who he thinks the greatest Laker of all time is, talks about retiring his numbers, and ...時間長度: 3:37 發布時間: 2018年1月5日Kobe Bryant doesn't flinch when Matt Barnes fakes pass ... - YouTube2019年3月7日 · On March 7, 2010, Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers had one of his most iconic moments ...時間長度: 3:09 發布時間: 2019年3月7日Kobe Bryant's Brilliant and Complicated Legacy - The New York Times2020年1月27日 · Bryant, who died with his daughter Gianna in a helicopter crash on Sunday, was an unquestioned basketball great, but his legacy is not so ...Hard work and strength of character made Kobe Bryant a star in Asia ...2020年1月29日 · On Sunday, basketball fans around Asia received the tragic news that Kobe Bryant and eight others, including his daughter Gianna, had died in ...Kobe Bryant's Last Season | Los Angeles Lakers - NBA.comHe even hit a left-handed turnaround jumper from the baseline, but head athletic trainer Gary Vitti knew that Bryant needed to come out of the game. After tearing ...Kobe's retirement a dark day for his fans in China | Reuters2016年4月15日 · While Kobe Bryant will be sorely missed by Los Angeles Lakers fans after he ended his stellar 20-year career in the NBA, his departure will ...NBA/禪師為史上最偉大主帥前湖人球星解釋原因(影) | 體育| 新頭殼 ...2020年7月23日 · 在禪師的公牛和湖人執教生涯中,帶領過許多個人風格明顯且桀驁不馴的子弟兵, 包括Michael Jordan、Dennis Rodman、Kobe ...
