Chaos Innoculation Builds in Path of Exile (PoE Sentinel 3.18)

文章推薦指數: 80 %

Chaos Innoculation (CI) builds are immune to chaos damage but set the character's life to 1; thus, such characters rely entirely on Energy Shield for their “ ... ChaosInnoculation(CI)buildsareimmunetochaosdamagebutsetthecharacter’slifeto1;thus,suchcharactersrelyentirelyonEnergyShieldfortheir“life”. Filterby CI Alltags LeagueStarter Lab SSF Delve ClearSpeed BossKiller UberElder Melee Ranged CI HC MF Systems Leveling UberAwakener LowLife Gameplay Crafting Hybrid Alltags Alltags LeagueStarter Lab SSF Delve ClearSpeed BossKiller UberElder Melee Ranged CI HC MF Systems Leveling UberAwakener LowLife Gameplay Crafting Hybrid SortBy LastUpdateNEWERFIRST NameA-Z NameZ-A CreatedByA-Z CreatedByZ-A CreatedAtNEWERFIRST CreatedAtOLDERFIRST LastUpdateNEWERFIRST LastUpdateOLDERFIRST CommentsMORE-LESS CommentsLESS-MORE UpvotesMORE-LESS UpvotesLESS-MORE DownvotesMORE-LESS DownvotesLESS-MORE Name CreatedBy Created Lastupdate Comments Upvotes Downvotes ColdSnapVortexOccultistBuildGuide(PoESentinel3.18) BossKiller UberElder CI HC Leveling GhazzyTV 17Nov2020 11May2022 179 19 2 CycloneCastonCriticalIceNovaAssassinBuildGuide(PoESentinel3.18) ClearSpeed BossKiller UberElder Melee CI UberAwakener PoEVault 04Feb2019 11May2022 740 33 12 CausticArrowCITricksterBuildGuide(PoEUltimatum3.14) BossKiller Ranged CI Brittleknee 17Sep2020 22Oct2021 10 9 0 AllAroundWintertideBrandOccultistBuildGuide(PoEExpedition3.15) LeagueStarter BossKiller UberElder Ranged CI HC UberAwakener TbXie 21Dec2020 28Jul2021 62 4 2 Filterby CI Alltags LeagueStarter Lab SSF Delve ClearSpeed BossKiller UberElder Melee Ranged CI HC MF Systems Leveling UberAwakener LowLife Gameplay Crafting Hybrid Alltags Alltags LeagueStarter Lab SSF Delve ClearSpeed BossKiller UberElder Melee Ranged CI HC MF Systems Leveling UberAwakener LowLife Gameplay Crafting Hybrid SortBy LastUpdateNEWERFIRST NameA-Z NameZ-A CreatedByA-Z CreatedByZ-A CreatedAtNEWERFIRST CreatedAtOLDERFIRST LastUpdateNEWERFIRST LastUpdateOLDERFIRST CommentsMORE-LESS CommentsLESS-MORE UpvotesMORE-LESS UpvotesLESS-MORE DownvotesMORE-LESS DownvotesLESS-MORE Backtotop {{{content}}} Close Close × {{message}}
