staff sergeant 中文意思是什麼
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staff sergeant 中文意思是什麼. staff sergeant 解釋. 〈英陸軍〉上士;〈美空軍〉參謀軍士。
staff : n (pl staves staffs)1 〈pl 通常作staves〉棍,棒,杖,竿; ...
- 1staff sergeant-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Context Reverso
使用Reverso Context: It's a good thing, too, said James Chaney, the other EOD tech and a staff serg...
- 2軍語彙編
Sergeant. 中士. Staff Sergeant. 下士. Corporal. 一等兵. Private 1st Class. 二等兵. Private. 軍士. Petty Offic...
- 3美軍三軍兩兵種士官兵職階翻譯(完整版) - 聊軍事. - udn部落格
Sergeant Major(特等一級). Master gunnery Sergeant(特等一級). 空軍 Command Master Sergeant of the Air Force(...
- 4附錄三:美國軍階對照表修訂
Command Sergeant Major of the Army, CMA, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, MCPON, Sergeant ...
- 5雙語詞彙 - 兵役處
士官長Master sergeant. 上士Sergeant. 中士Staff sergeant. 下士Corporal. 一等兵Private 1st class. 二等兵Private. 軍...